Peterbilt Pride: Rose's Mobile1 Enterprises
Peterbilt Atlantic customers are amongst the most respected and hardest working companies in Eastern Canada. Distinctive Peterbilt trucks from Rose's Mobile1 Enterprises can be spotted throughout the region as each truck is known for it's own unique look. Owner Tim Rose shares his insight into the East Coast transportation sector.
Depuis combien de temps es-tu actif ?
4 ans.
What changes have you seen in your business recently?
We originally started as car carriers, but now we have grown to be about 60% flat deck.
Depuis combien d’années exploitez-vous des camions Peterbilt ?
Just a bit over a year. We've got seven now.
Qu’aimez-vous chez les camions Peterbilt ?
Everything. The pride and the class. Low maintenance and good power. Our drivers really like them.
Qu’aimez-vous chez Peterbilt Atlantique ?
Excellent service. Great sales advice from Phil in Fredericton. We take advantage of the different locations - Fredericton, Moncton and Dartmouth especially. Most of our staff lives in Dartmouth so that is convenient.
Endroit préféré pour prendre un repas sur la route ?
Olive Garden in Bangor.
Vue d'autoroute préférée sur la côte Est ?
Little Rapids in Newfoundland. Just past Marble Mountain. It's a winding road. Means you are almost home.
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